Sukkot 5784 celebration at Machne Chabad

Sukkot is a holiday that reminds us of the importance of community and recalls the ancient history of the Jewish people. This year's celebration was particularly inspiring in “Machne Chabad” in Hungary, founded by the joint efforts of the FJCU, EMIH and the Hungarian government.

Every resident of the camp was able to fulfill the sacred commandment of Arba Minim - blessing the four types of plants - and, of course, joined the sukkot meal in the sukkah.

It was an incredibly warm and sincere celebration, where members of the Jewish community spent time together playing various games and master classes, learning about the history and traditions of the Sukkot holiday, and sharing the best moments of the holiday.

Sukkot 5784 celebration at Machne Chabad

Sukkot is a holiday that reminds us of the importance of community and recalls the ancient history of the Jewish people. This year's celebration was particularly inspiring in “Machne Chabad” in Hungary, founded by the joint efforts of the FJCU, EMIH and the Hungarian government.

Every resident of the camp was able to fulfill the sacred commandment of Arba Minim - blessing the four types of plants - and, of course, joined the sukkot meal in the sukkah.

It was an incredibly warm and sincere celebration, where members of the Jewish community spent time together playing various games and master classes, learning about the history and traditions of the Sukkot holiday, and sharing the best moments of the holiday.