The commemorating events for the yahrzeit of our matriarch Rachel

Special programs were conducted for female students of "Beit Hanna" University in Dnipro, the Jewish University of Chabad in Odessa, and students of the "Beit Menachem Lubavitch" private school in Kamyanske on the 11th of Heshvan.

This significant date marks God's address to our matriarch Rachel, who became a true symbol of the mother of the Jewish people: "There is a reward for your work, and they shall return from the land of the enemy."

The girls crafted talismans, diligently studied the laws of separating challah, wrote letters to the Almighty with special requests, and also appealed for peace in our Homeland.

The commemorating events for the yahrzeit of our matriarch Rachel

Special programs were conducted for female students of "Beit Hanna" University in Dnipro, the Jewish University of Chabad in Odessa, and students of the "Beit Menachem Lubavitch" private school in Kamyanske on the 11th of Heshvan.

This significant date marks God's address to our matriarch Rachel, who became a true symbol of the mother of the Jewish people: "There is a reward for your work, and they shall return from the land of the enemy."

The girls crafted talismans, diligently studied the laws of separating challah, wrote letters to the Almighty with special requests, and also appealed for peace in our Homeland.